I have a user form and some combo boxes with drop down lists. However one of the combo boxes has almost 1000 items in the drop down and I'd like the user to be able to start typing a word in the combo box and get a list of suggestions to choose from based on the word entered eg if they type 'joh' in the combo box I want to show them a list of all the choices in the drop down that contains 'joh' so they can select the one they want. The combo box with almost 1000 items that needs the functionality above is named 'cboProgrammeName'. I should say that the VBA below already provides this functionality but not entirely. At the moment if I type 'joh' in my combo box, then I have to click the arrow at the right of the combo box to see all the given suggestions based on 'joh'. But what I want is VBA to automatically pop up the list of suggestions WITHOUT me having to click the arrow. Is that possible? My user form has a lot of vba but I think the part that is relevant for this issue is below. Although I can post on here all my VBA code if it helps. Thanks in advance
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Add the drop down lists to combo boxes
Dim cProgrammeName As Range
Dim cTaskName As Range
Dim cUserName As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("XXX")
For Each cProgrammeName In ws.Range("ProgrammeNameList")
With Me.cboProgrammeName
.AddItem cProgrammeName.Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = cProgrammeName.Offset(0, 1).Value
End With
Next cProgrammeName
For Each cTaskName In ws.Range("TaskNameList")
With Me.cboTaskName
.AddItem cTaskName.Value
End With
Next cTaskName
For Each cUserName In ws.Range("UserNameList")
With Me.cboUserName
.AddItem cUserName.Value
End With
Next cUserName
Me.txtDate.Value = "dd/mm/yyyy"
Me.txtComments.Value = "please type text here if required"
Me.cboProgrammeName.Value = "type text to open a list of choices"
Me.cboTaskName.Value = "click the arrow to open a list of choices"
Me.cboUserName.Value = "click the arrow to open a list of choices"
End Sub