I'm trying to assert http response codes in JMeter. I think this is really simple, but I encountered a problem I cannot fix.
My server can return 2 response codes: 200 and 423. There is no problem with 200, it just works, but I cannot assert 423, I don't know why.
I tried response assertion with the following configurations:
Field to test: Response Code, Pattern Matching Rules: Contains
Patterns to test: 200 - works 423 - does not work 200|423 - 200 works, 423 does not work (wtf?)
I also tried BeanShell Assertion with
Failure = !(ResponseCode.contains("200") || ResponseCode.contains("423"));
It does not work, too. Also I tried to match with the response message to contain "Locked" - does not work. The server Response looks like this:
Thread Name: 10 Users, 100 Repeats 1-10
Sample Start: 2017-05-19 13:06:09 MESZ
Load time: 33
Connect Time: 2
Latency: 33
Size in bytes: 333
Sent bytes:768
Headers size in bytes: 333
Body size in bytes: 0
Sample Count: 1
Error Count: 1
Data type ("text"|"bin"|""):
Response code: 423
Response message: Locked
Response headers:
HTTP/1.1 423 Locked
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-Application-Context: application:capacitytest
Content-Length: 0
Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 11:06:08 GMT
Server: Not_available
HTTPSampleResult fields:
DataEncoding: null
The response code is marked blue for a reason in Sampler Result. Don't know why. I'm also logging the response code via Beanshell PostProcessor. It is 423...
Finally I'm asking here for your help. I have no idea what the problem is or could be. Thanks in advance.