
If I have the following table (shown in the image below), how can I write a grouped query that would concatenate the grouped results?


For this example, I'd want to group by the LetterColumn and concatenate the NumberColumn

So the desired results would be:



2 Answers


You can use the GUI to do it this way:

  1. Select your LetterColumn and then Transform / GroupBy: enter image description here

  2. Select Add Column / Custom Column: enter image description here

  3. Click opposing arrows at top right of new AllData column to Extract Values from new AllData column:

    enter image description here enter image description here

  4. Remove AllData column.


If your table is Source, and if NumberColumn has the number type, then this will work:

= Table.Group(Source, {"LetterColumn"}, {{"Column", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_[NumberColumn], (x) => Number.ToText(x)), ","), type text}})

Table.Group does a group by operation, which creates a table made up of all of the rows with the same value in LetterColumn. _[NumberColumn] gives a list of the values in the NumberColumn column in this new table. The List.Transform part turns the numbers into text values, and Text.Combine joins those numbers together, with a comma separating each value.

If you need the surrounding quotes as well, you can do this:

= Table.Group(Source, {"LetterColumn"}, {{"Column", each """" & Text.Combine(List.Transform(_[NumberColumn], (x) => Number.ToText(x)), ",") & """", type text}})

"""" represents the " character, and & combines two text values.