
My setup:

  • Azure Vm : Windows server 2008
  • IIS 7.5

I have purchased a domain from godaddy and pointed it to the Azure VPS. Initially the website was running on IIS using http on port 80. I have purchased SSL from godaddy using CSR and installed them as following

  1. Intermediate certificate using MMC
  2. Server certificate using IIS

Then I bind the certificate with my website using https on port 443, but when I visited my website it's not loading up it on https and gives an error "This site can't be reached. I have also checked secure world wide web and https is checked in my firewall settings.

Have you enabled at Azure portal access to port 443? Meanwhile, you should also review your certificate installation if the certificate disappears, blog.lextudio.com/…Lex Li
@LexLi Azure portal access to 443 is enabled and certificate ins't disappearing from IIS.Muhammad Hannan
@LexLi Thank you for comment, Azure endpoint for port 443 isn't added. After adding endpoint for 443 working perfectly. :)Muhammad Hannan
Post your solution as an answer and accept it.Lex Li

1 Answers


I solved it by

  1. Goto your Azure VM
  2. In Azure VM -> Find Endpoints
  3. Click on Add endpoint
  4. Add endpoint for you port (in my case 443) and give it a name ( e.g https)
  5. Save
  6. Done