
mySQL DATE format is Y-m-d For localization reasons, users submit date fields to my Laravel 5.4 application in the d-m-Y form, which are saved to a detenutodal field in mySQL.

I used mutators to convert the two formats, in my Attore model, like this.

namespace App;

//use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Carbon\Carbon;

class Attore extends Model

    protected $dates = [

     * detenutodal: DB Y-m-d => m-d-Y
     * @param  date  $value
     * @return date
    public function getDetenutodalAttribute($value)
        return Carbon::parse($value)->format('d-m-Y');

     * detenutodal: m-d-Y => DB Y-m-d 
     * @param  date  $value
     * @return date
    public function setDetenutodalAttribute($value)
        return Carbon::parse($value)->format('Y-m-d');

as you may see, the detenutodal attribute is added to the $dates to make it into a Carbon instance (not declaring it seems to make no difference. Actually I was unable to have detenutodal behave like a Carbon instance, and I had to explicitly call Carbon::parse)

I create a new Attore model in AttoreController like this:

$this->validate(request(), [
    'detenutodal' =>'nullable|date_format:"d-m-Y"',


The detenutodal field is correctly validated, and I am sure the mutator is called as I dd'ed its invocation. the correct detenutodal value is passed to it - e.g. 30-06-1943 and it returns 1943-06-30.

but the create fails with this error:

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'detenutodal' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into `attores` (`nome`, `enteopersona`, `paternita`, `maternita`, `annonascita`, `luogonascita`, `residenza`, `professione`, `gradoistruzione`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (Aminto Pestalozzi, persona, Agenore Pestalozzi, Giacinta Tortelazzi, 1910, Caorso in Strà' lva', Via Morigi 4, Caorso, Bracciante, Scuola professionale, 2017-05-18 14:23:22, 2017-05-18 14:23:22))

As you may see, mySQL complains that detenutodal has no default value as detenutodal has completely disappeared from the query, while I would expect that the mutator correctly updated the field before the invocation of Attore::create and added it to the query.

Can anyone shed some light?



3 Answers


Edit : Your mutator is wrong.

public function setDetenutodalAttribute($value)
    $this->attributes['detenutodal'] = Carbon::parse($value)->format('Y-m-d');

You need to set the fillable property.

protected $fillable = ['detenutodal'];

or set the guarded to so

protected $guarded = [];

You allow nullable value for the date, is this field nullable?


detenutodal field is null and has not default value in mysql engine please start from controller dump your detenutodal field first to check if it's has value or not then check if value is datetime value or not .


You didn't explicitly allow detenutodal field to be "filled".

Laravel has a security mechanism by default against Mass Assignment

This should fix it.

protected $fillable = ['detenutodal'];