I'm using Cassandra 3.0, I created one table as following:
site_id bigint,
end_date timestamp,
start_date timestamp,
promotion_id uuid,
PRIMARY KEY (site_id, end_date,start_date, promotion_id)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (end_date DESC,start_date DESC, promotion_id ASC);
And I insert one record into this table
insert into site (site_id, start_date,end_date,promotion_id) values (10000,'2017-05-11T16:17:48','2017-05-21T16:17:48',8999f91c-a787-4604-9479-f8ead4955f6c);
May I ask why the following cql returns one record? I'm expecting it returns nothing:
select * from site
where site_id = 10000 and ( end_date, start_date ) <= ( '2117-05-12', '2017-04-12' );