I have a multi-tenant application that requires the end-user to grant a specific set of permissions when accessed. I now need to add a permission to the application and need the end-user to re-grant the application for it to be effective.
That being said, I would really like to check the user's current application in their AAD to verify what set of permissions they have already granted. With that, I could check if I need to make them re-grant or not and have a nice end-user experience.
The closest I have found is using the following Microsoft Graph API endpoint: 'https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/oAuth2Permissiongrants'
This lists the Service Principals in their tenant along with their required permission scopes. This isn't a solution since the Service Principal's permission scopes aren't the same as the application's.
The second possible solution is using the following AAD Graph Api endpoint: 'https://graph.windows.net/{tenantid}/applications'
Sadly, this also isn't viable since it doesn't return "Enterprise Applications".
Anyone know how to accomplish what I'm trying to do? Thanks