
I have created a powerapps app, and inserted data from a SharePoint list. I can get all the text data I require, but I can't get the profile picture from a user. I have a user field, and if I try to insert ThisItem.User.Picture into a text field, a valid URL shows up, linking to the correct image. The image control still remains white.

I have also tried getting the user image, using User().Image. This only shows the placeholder image, not my actual profile picture. Inserting this into a text field yields a base64 string, and decoding this again gives me the placeholder image.

Is there anything I'm missing?


2 Answers


I'm curious what the format of the URL that you are seeing from ThisItem.User.Picture looks like. As long as the URL is directly pointing to a valid image file and the user has permissions to view it, it should populate the image control. Would you mind sharing the URL you are seeing?


Are you using O365 or On-Premise SharePoint? If its O365 then make sure you add the Connection to Office365 Users.