I want to make a stacked barplot with the data unchanged. I mean, I have already calculated the percentages to plot. According to the ggplot2 manual "geom_col uses stat_identity: it leaves the data as is". However, looks like it isn't working as the percents of the plot are different from that of the sample data.
Download sample data from here.
Code is as follows:
ggplot(data=df, aes(x = Pathway, y = value, fill = variable)) +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("#005588", "#E69F00")) +
#stat_identity(geom="bar", width=0.5) +
geom_col(width=0.5) +
#geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.5) +
facet_grid(. ~ Timepoint) +
coord_flip() +
On the other side, If I use the option "stat_identity" the data remains unchanged (compare percents from both images with sample data), but the bar plots are not stacked any more.
Is the "geom_col" option not working or am I doing something wrong? Should I use another plot method? Any help is appreciated.
structure(list(Pathway = c("Antigen Presentation Pathway", "Graft-versus- Host Disease Signaling",
"T Helper Cell Differentiation", "Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-mediated Apoptosis of Target Cells",
"Communication between Innate and Adaptive Immune Cells", "Antigen Presentation Pathway",
"Graft-versus-Host Disease Signaling", "T Helper Cell Differentiation",
"Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-mediated Apoptosis of Target Cells",
"Communication between Innate and Adaptive Immune Cells", "Antigen Presentation Pathway",
"Graft-versus-Host Disease Signaling", "T Helper Cell Differentiation",
"Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-mediated Apoptosis of Target Cells",
"Communication between Innate and Adaptive Immune Cells", "Antigen Presentation Pathway",
"Graft-versus-Host Disease Signaling", "T Helper Cell Differentiation",
"Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-mediated Apoptosis of Target Cells",
"Communication between Innate and Adaptive Immune Cells", "Antigen Presentation Pathway",
"Graft-versus-Host Disease Signaling", "T Helper Cell Differentiation",
"Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-mediated Apoptosis of Target Cells",
"Communication between Innate and Adaptive Immune Cells", "Antigen Presentation Pathway",
"Graft-versus-Host Disease Signaling", "T Helper Cell Differentiation",
"Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-mediated Apoptosis of Target Cells",
"Communication between Innate and Adaptive Immune Cells"), Timepoint = c("15DPI",
"15DPI", "15DPI", "15DPI", "15DPI", "30DPI", "30DPI", "30DPI",
"30DPI", "30DPI", "45DPI", "45DPI", "45DPI", "45DPI", "45DPI",
"15DPI", "15DPI", "15DPI", "15DPI", "15DPI", "30DPI", "30DPI",
"30DPI", "30DPI", "30DPI", "45DPI", "45DPI", "45DPI", "45DPI",
"45DPI"), variable = c("Targets", "Targets", "Targets", "Targets",
"Targets", "Targets", "Targets", "Targets", "Targets", "Targets",
"Targets", "Targets", "Targets", "Targets", "Targets", "DEGs",
"DEGs", "DEGs", "DEGs", "DEGs", "DEGs", "DEGs", "DEGs", "DEGs",
"DEGs", "DEGs", "DEGs", "DEGs", "DEGs", "DEGs"), value = c(2.63157894736842,
4.16666666666667, 1.36986301369863, 3.125, 1.12359550561798,
7.89473684210526, 18.75, 8.21917808219178, 18.75, 7.86516853932584,
15.7894736842105, 16.6666666666667, 10.958904109589, 9.375, 8.98876404494382,
44.7368421052632, 35.4166666666667, 43.8356164383562, 37.5, 31.4606741573034,
47.3684210526316, 43.75, 42.4657534246575, 37.5, 33.7078651685393,
52.6315789473684, 39.5833333333333, 39.7260273972603, 31.25, 31.4606741573034)), .Names = c("Pathway", "Timepoint", "variable",
"value"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -30L))
position = 'stack'
, not the custom 'position 'identity'` you are using. – Gregor Thomasdput
isn't helpful because it has only one value ofvariable
, only one row in the secondTimepoint
, and all unique values ofPathway
, so there's nothing to stack. 8 rows (2 timepoints * 2 pathways * 2 variables) should be sufficient. – Gregor ThomasDEGs
only (which cover theTargets
). The second looks to be stacking the percents from theDEGs
and theTargets
– Mike H.