I seem to be losing the value of sessionScope variables between XPages when I load DateTime values from a Notes document (not from the XPage). Here is what I do:
I have an EditBox where the contents are set to type Date only:
<xp:inputText value="#{document1.datum}" id="datum" defaultValue="#{javascript:@Now()}" required="true">
<xp:convertDateTime type="date"></xp:convertDateTime>
I then save this to a sessionScope variable :
sessionScope.put ("datum", getComponent("datum").getValue());
Then I change XPages by doing a:
var extCont = facesContext.getExternalContext();
I then do a sessionScope.get:
print (sessionScope.get ("datum"));
And the contents are fine.
if I do the same thing with a document that I have loaded:
var date:NotesDateTime = doc.getItemValueDateTimeArray("datum");
var start:NotesDateTime = doc.getItemValueDateTimeArray("von");
var dt:NotesDateTime = session.createDateTime (date [0].getDateOnly() + " " + start [0].getTimeOnly());
sessionScope.put ("datum", dt);
then switch to the next page and try and load it with:
print (sessionScope.get ("datum"));
I get a value null.
I have attached a screenshot of the problem (I printed other fields as well so you can see it is only the DateTime fields that are the problem). I do notice that the format of the DateTime value is different... could this be the problem?