
This is a novice question. Hopefully this example can educate myself and others As well as fix my problem.

I have an EXTJS layout that is very similar to the EXTJS complex layout example. A TabPanel is the center piece of this layout. One of the tabs renders a GridPanel that displays some data. I want to click on an Edit icon in the table and open up a separate tab to do the editing.

Here are my issues:

  • 1. If mainTabPnl is defined in view_main.js and the handler in grid.js, how do I add a tab to mainTabPnl? This seems like a scope issue.

  • 2. In the following Firefox line, 't' is undefined. Why?

    var t = Ext.getCmp('main-tab-panel');

  • 3. If I try to id my tabs, my whole layout goes haywire. What's happening here? (see 'center2' tab). I thought that if I could do an Ext.getCmp('center2') I could render something in in from a separate handler.

    Thanks for any help on this....

    // file: view_main.js
    var mainTabPnl =  new Ext.TabPanel({
            region: 'center', 
            id: 'main-tab-pnl',
            deferredRender: false,
            activeTab: 0,     
            items: [{
                contentEl: 'center2',
                //id: 'center2',  /*!!! screen goes haywire!! why? !!!*/
                title: 'Main Panel',
                autoScroll: true
            }, {
                contentEl: 'center1',
                title: 'Close Me',
                closable: true,
                autoScroll: true
     // file: grid.js
     var columns = [{
       // Column Headers
            header: 'Actions',
            id: 'actions',
            xtype: 'actioncolumn',
            width: 50,
            items: [{
                 icon   : '/site_media/icons/application_edit.png',  
                 tooltip: 'Edit Record',
                 handler: function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
                     alert("Add-Tab "); // The alert works..
                     /* but mainTabPnl is not defined */ 
                         title: 'New Tab',
                         iconCls: 'tabs',
                         html: 'Tab Body <br/><br/>',
  • 1

    1 Answers


    Collect all your UI initialization code into a single call to Ext.onReady made from a single file. This will ensure that the ExtJS library is fully initialized before you begin building your widgets and that interacting widgets are instantiated in the proper order.

    Specific answers:

    1: There is no "scoping issue" between multiple JS files pulled into the same page through standard includes. Global symbols defined in each file populate the same window object.

    2: 'main-tab-panel' doesn't exist yet at the time of that call. Putting all UI initialization into the same Ext.onReady call will prevent this from happening.

    3: You are creating a DOM node with an ID identical to that which you are already using for contentEl.