I've been wondering whether it is possible to have an array of sampler2D in a GLSL 1.5 vertex shader.
I need to access 30 different 2d-textures from my vertex shader. I read that it is not possible to have a structure like:
uniform sampler2d texture[30];
However, having 30 different uniforms is a bit exaggerated and fairly hard to manage...
So, that brought me to the idea of having a texture buffer object. TBO's are supported since OpenGL 3.0. However, I couldn't find a good tutorial or example, respectively, which shows how to initialize a TBO with not only one texture, but several textures.
This website shows an example on how to initialize a TBO with a single texture. No big deal at all. I think the most important method is
void createTBO(GLuint* tbo, GLuint* tex)
By executing the method
one can actually attach the texture to the buffer. This is also mentioned here. I assume calling glTexBuffer 30 times one after the other wouldn't do the trick.
So, I've been thinking if there might be another way of getting the very same result. I came up with two ideas:
- Adding the 30 2d-textures to a 3d-texture and attach that directly to the vertex shader. However, that would be a big waste of memory since most of the 3d-texture's layers wouldn't be used.
- Using a structure called sampler2DArray. It is mentioned in the specs. However, I searched the web and couldn't find any valuable information about how to implement that.
So, my questions are:
- How do I setup a TBO containing more than only 1 texture?
- Is that possible at all?
- Do you know sources where I could find information about adding 2d-textures to a 3d-texture?
- Do you know websites where I could find information about the initializing, binding and usage of sampler2DArray?
I'd be grateful if you could advice me. I'm really a newbie in terms of OpenGL.
Thanks Walter