I'm trying to compress a large rootdir
which contains many subdir_i
the folder tree looks like:
I am looking to output this to a single compressed archive but having each subdirectory in it's own tar archive:
rootdir.tar.xz # containing:
I've tried the following :
for foo in `find rootdir -maxdepth 1 -name "subdir_*" -type d`
tar --create --verbose --file=- --directory="rootdir" `basename ${foo}`
# in shorter form: tar -cvf - -C rootdir subdir_i
done | xz -zc9 > rootdir.tar.xz
Which does isolate the subdirectory into an xz but a single tar archive is inside with only the last directory:
rootdir.tar # containing subdir_2/
However the size of that archive is consistent with compression of the whole rootdir tree. Any ideas why that is and how to get it to do what I want (without using intermediate archives)?