I have a vector, call it x, which contains very small numbers that I calculated from a mean. I'd like to plot the logarithmic transform of x, say y=10*log10(x), along with errorbars equal to +- 2 standard deviations calculated when finding the mean.
To do this, I'm using the following code:
errorbar(lengths, 10*log10(x), ...
10*log10(x-2*std_x), 10*log10(x+2*std_x), 'o')
My problem is that since x contains such small values, x-2*std_x is usually a negative number, and you can't take the log of negative numbers.
So I suppose my question is how can I plot errorbars in the logarithmic domain when subtracting the standard deviation in the linear domain gives me negative numbers? I can't do the +-