
I need to insert the DISQUS system on a webpage of my website. Thats easy.

The problem here is that I need to insert multiple DISQUS boxes on the same page.

I need something like this. Every article and every paragraph has your own comment block.

Any suggestion? Maybe I need to load the comments using some kind of API via AJAX?

I'll use this on a page in my WordPress powered site.

This solution should work too: mystrd.at/articles/multiple-disqus-threads-on-one-page The collaborable site seems to have gone away.SeanJA

2 Answers


You could try this trick here, it worked for me: http://collaborable.com/blog/disqus-jquery-hack-awesome-ux

Unfortunately, the article is no longer available except via the Wayback Machine.

The relevant portions from that link are as follows. To show / hide comments:

<div class="comments">
  <p class="nocomment">
    <a class="nocomment" href="/">Hide comments</a>
  <div class="disqus_thread"></div>
<p class="comment">
  <a class="comment"
    <span>Leave a comment</span>

...And the corresponding Javascript:

     // DISQUS vars.
    var disqus_shortname = 'collaborable';
    var disqus_identifier = '';
    var disqus_url = '';

     // Leave a comment/cancel.
    $('.entry a.comment').click(function () {
        // Firefox? Bad firefox.
        if ($.browser.mozilla && window.disqus_loaded) {
            return true;

        // Init DISQUS.
        disqus_identifier = $(this).data('disqus-identifier');
        disqus_url = $(this).attr('href');

        // DISQUS requires each thread to have the ID #disqus_thread.
        $entry = $(this).parents('div.entry');
        $entry.find('div.disqus_thread').attr('id', 'disqus_thread');

        // Load DISQUS script, if not already loaded.
        if ($entry.find('div.disqus_thread .dsq-reply').length == 0) {
            $.getScript('http://' + disqus_shortname + '.disqus.com/embed.js',
                function () {
                    window.disqus_interval =
                        setInterval('is_disqus_loaded("' + $entry.attr('id') + '")',

        // Hide/kill other DISQUS forums.
        return false;


     // Hide/kill all open DISQUS forums.
    $('.entry a.nocomment').click(function () {
            function () {
        return false;

    function is_disqus_loaded(entry_id) {
        $entry = $('#' + entry_id);
        if ($entry.find('div.disqus_thread .dsq-reply').length) {
            window.disqus_loaded = true;
            $entry.find('a.comment span').removeClass('loading');

You may try http://tsi.github.io/inlineDisqussions/
It will give you per-paragraph comment threads powered by Disqus.
Just download the script and the style sheet and include them (after jQuery).
Then call the script like this:

  disqus_shortname = 'your_disqus_shortname';
  jQuery(document).ready(function() {

See the linked page for more info.
disclaimer: I wrote this.