
We are implementing a chatting system that allow users to receive messages/notification when they are not connected to a MUC group, and I know that Ejabberd supported it from 16.08, via this document: https://docs.ejabberd.im/developer/xmpp-clients-bots/proposed-extensions/muc-sub/#list-of-subscriptions However I can't find any example for iOS implementation I wonder if any one has implemented this feature on iOS, or any guidelines to implement this

any update for this? im looking for way to implement this too, any help would be appreciatetitan

1 Answers


Include XMPPMUCSub.h and .m file into your project.

Now after connecting xmppstream activate XMPPMUCSub service for activation use below code.

xmppMucSub = [[XMPPMUCSub alloc] initWithDispatchQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
[xmppMucSub activate:xmppStream];
[xmppMucSub addDelegate:self delegateQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];

Now you have to implement delegate methods of XMPPMUCSub for method check class and implement it.

Now when every you create new xmpproom you need to call below method.

[xmppMucSub supportedBy:<Your xmpproom>]; 

if service support then below delegate method call and you need to subscribe it.

- (void)xmppMUCSub:(nonnull XMPPMUCSub *)sender serviceSupportedBy:(nonnull XMPPJID *)room{
    NSLog(@"serviceSupportedBy:-%@", room);
    [xmppMucSub subscribeTo:room nick:[xmppStream.myJID user] password:nil];

For more information refer below link.
