
I am a newbie to Stripe subscriptions and learning about the plans and invoice line items.

Is it possible to add recurring shipping fees in Stripe Subscriptions or should I include the shipping fee as a part of the subscription price?

Also, I am trying to add one-time setup fee via invoice line item but the charge is not getting included. I am using Rails and this is how I am proceeding. 1)Creating a customer 2)Adding the subscription plan to that customer 3)Then creating the invoice line item for one time set up fee.

I am not receiving any error during the testing, but the one-time fee is not getting included in the payment.

Help would be appreciated.



Please include some of the relevant code to help debug it..Md. Farhan Memon

1 Answers


You'll want to create the invoice item before creating the subscription, please see:


Any uninvoiced invoice items will be included on the subscription's first invoice, and this is the recommended way to do one-time charges. You'll want your code to do this:

  1. Create the customer (don't pass plan)
  2. Create the invoice item
  3. Create the subscription.

Hope that clears things up!