I have read below article and it is just awesome. Everything from that article is clear however I have one major doubt.
The article author said that in 'OAuth2 password grant' while logging into the mobile application, just need to send email and password in order to get the access token from the API server, but I have read at many places that you also need to send client_id and client_secret in that request. I'm going to build my API using Laravel:
Here you can see it forces me to send client_id and client_secret in that request.
I'm really confused about this. If I have to send client_id and client_secret in that request, first I need to get it from the authorization server by creating a client on it. So at which event, I should create that client? When a user tries to log in from the mobile application? I just need to know the exact flow.
Any help would be appreciated.