I can't quite grasp how to insert a variable's value labels for titles to a graph.
For example, in sysuse auto
, the variable foreign
takes the value of 0 or 1 where 0 is labeled "Domestic" and 1 is labeled "Foreign".
In the following snippet, I want to plot the average price for each category of the variable foreign
using a loop:
sysuse auto, clear
forvalues i=0/1{
local t = foreign[`i']
graph bar (mean) price if foreign == `i', ///
over(rep78, sort(price) descending) asyvars ///
title("`t'") name(p_`i', replace) nodraw
local graphs `graphs' p_`i'
gr combine `graphs'
but it does not even display the category value correctly in the title.
What am I doing wrong?