
I have a customer who is using a liveID account to manage 20+ different Azure AD directories.

How can I get a list of all the Azure AD instances associated with this account?

I tried using this graph explorer to figure out which query was correct, however every time I tried to consent to a Directory Read consent, the tool didn't accept it. (it would run, but the checkbox would be cleared upon inspection )

My goal is to determine at runtime, which instances have had "administrative consent" to access applications stored in my tenant. Then I will prompt the administrator to consent for those apps.

I'm tagging as MSAL and ADAL, I can't get either to work with a MSFT Account that is an admin for Azure AD


I am using this MSFT sample and posted this debug code in on any controller that is currently using ActiveDirectoryClient. This code works for any AzureAD account.

            var pagedCollectionTenants = await client.TenantDetails.ExecuteAsync();
                var tenants = pagedCollectionTenants.CurrentPage.ToList();
                foreach (var tenant in tenants)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(tenant.DisplayName + " id " + tenant.ObjectId + " " +
                        tenant.Street + " " +
                        tenant.City + " " +
                        tenant.State + " " +
                        tenant.PostalCode + " " + tenant.PreferredLanguage + " " + tenant.TelephoneNumber);

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("   ** Assigned Plans **");
                    foreach (var plan in tenant.AssignedPlans)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "   "  + plan.AssignedTimestamp + " " + plan.ServicePlanId + " " + plan.Service + " " + plan.CapabilityStatus);

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("   ** Provisioned Plans **");
                    foreach (var provisionedPlans in tenant.ProvisionedPlans)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("   " + provisionedPlans.CapabilityStatus + " " + provisionedPlans.ProvisioningStatus + " " + provisionedPlans.Service);

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("   ** Verified Domains **");
                    foreach (var domain in tenant.VerifiedDomains)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("   " + domain.Type + " " + domain.Name + " " + domain.Initial + " " + domain.Id + " " + domain.Capabilities + " " + domain.@default);
                pagedCollectionTenants = pagedCollectionTenants.GetNextPageAsync().Result;
            } while (pagedCollectionTenants != null);

The results for a MSFT Account is the following:

enter image description here


1 Answers


How can I get a list of all the Azure AD instances associated with this account?

I am not sure whether Microsoft Graph api expose the api call to get a list of all the Azure AD instances associated with this account . But i noticed in azure new portal , i could choose Multiple Windows Azure Active Directories by clicking my user name on top right part of portal . Use Fiddler you could find api call which portal use to get multiple Windows Azure Active Directories information :


Then you could add Windows Azure Service Management API in required permissions in your app : enter image description here

Then using authorization code flow , you need to get access token for Windows Azure Service Management API by setting resource :https://management.core.windows.net/ .

After you get the access token , you could try below api calls to get all the Azure Active Directories :

POST https://ms.portal.azure.com/AzureHubs/api/tenants/List
Authorization: Bearer xxxxx

The result :

enter image description here

If your account is a microsft account and want to authenticate with app , you could add the account as external user in AAD .