In my iPad app, I have my main interface as a UISplitViewController with a tableView as the master and a UIView as the detail. Both have navigation bars. In my detail view, I have two buttons, both of which Show segue to their own UIViews. Currently, the Show segues replace the detail view and provide a back button to return to the original detail view.
This is the behavior I desire for ONE of the segues. For the other, I want it to present over the entire UISplitView controller and take up the whole screen. I also need the navigation bar to stay on this view and provide a back button action to get back to the UISplitView.
I have tried presenting the view Modally, and it does take up the whole screen, but this doesn't seem to play well with navigation bars.
How can I accomplish this, either programmatically or with Storyboard?
. Try just adding one to your "whole screen" view. Once you see how it shows up, then add an appropriate "Done" or "Finished" or "Back" or whatever button to it. – DonMag