I am looking for a query parser which can help me filter (write 'where' clause) with a field in JSON format column (UDT - User Defined Type). I am using Cassandra as DB and Solr. I am finding it challenging to integrate Solr with Cassandra. I found DataStax Search as an option but it doesn't seem to support Windows OS. It would be great if anyone could suggest a good alternative.
Edit: An example to make it simpler to understand: I have the following sample UDT which is used in a table:
CREATE TYPE test.phone ( code int, number text );
CREATE TABLE test.info ( id int PRIMARY KEY, contact phone, .... );
Selection can be done as: SELECT contact.code FROM info;
However, filtering using a field in UDT is NOT POSSIBLE: SELECT * FROM info WHERE contact.code = 91;
To achieve the above, I have installed a query parser but I am having issues integrating it with Cassandra. I am looking for an alternative.