So I know how to create tokens and how to read tokens but I am running into an issue with getting the User_Metadata from the Users I created in Auth0 (without login them in from my application).
What I am trying to do is this:
- User some where with a device logs into Auth0 and generates a JWT Token
- User now calls my API and passes Bearer with token in header
- I read Bearer and Authenticate that the token is good. I then want to pull the user information from the token to use to make sure they have rights to do something.
I am not wanting a 2nd database that holds user information that they will need to log into my API so I know who they are. I just want to be able to use the JWT Token to get that information. Right now when I create a token I have this in the Payload:
"iss": "https://.....",
"sub": "RTMLeICuyL1kyeQN@clients",
"aud": "https://.....",
"exp": 1494031764,
"iat": 1493945364,
"scope": ""
If I go to Auth0 User Details tab I can see the user and the user_metadata and app_metadata that I want to return but not sure how to get it. Thanks for any help.