JMeter search result is different in the Local machine and remote server machine.
The JMeter batch file runs both environments separately.
Run one website in JMeter but the local machine and remote server load time are different.
JMeter search result is different in the Local machine and remote server machine.
The JMeter batch file runs both environments separately.
Run one website in JMeter but the local machine and remote server load time are different.
Several factors can influence that:
1) Network path from running JMeter to your server. You should always consider that. If, say, you're testing microservice based on Amazon Cloud (AWS), and the downstream consumers of its data are also running in the same cloud - it doesn't make a lot of sense to run JMeter at your local machine, you have to run it at AWS as well (as your consumers do) to get realistic timings. The travel over network path there and back would add hundreds of milliseconds, moreover, it's pretty unpredictable, deviations may be huge.
2) GUI vs Non-GUI mode, the rule of thumb: GUI is for development/debug only. It takes quite a toll on the performance.
3) Available resources on the machine - you didn't mention that at all, though mind that Java Runtime Environment is kind of far from being very lean, so if the machine is not dedicated for running especially JMeter, and especially if machine is not very powerful, the results may vary.
4) Addition to resource scope: by default, the scripts running JMeter are quite restrictive in resource allocation, and if you overwhelm the instance with a lot of threads to run, the timings may get distorted.
These are general factors, if you want it more specific to your case - show how & where (means, in what type of machine) you run your tests, and where's your target in terms of network path.