I'm trying to use the Google Machine Learning API and I'm facing two problems. In the API explorer I put the correct information and I get a response error:
Code 200 "error": "Missing \"instances\" field in request body: {\n \"httpBody\": \n
{\n \"data\": \"\\"instances\\" : \\"teste\\"\",\n
\"contentType\": \"application/json\"\n }\n}"
The request find my model (if I change the value in field name I get another error) but don't understand my json. That's the json:
{"instances" : [{"key":"0", "image_bytes": {"b64": "mybase64"} }]}
When I do the predict on the command line using gcloud, I get no errors and everything seems ok. The Json that I was create for gcloud is a little bit different:
{"key":"0", "image_bytes": {"b64": "mybase64"} }
I already tryied that one in the API explorer and no success.
So, I decided to use the .Net Api to try the predict and I get other situation: The Response is Empty (???).
Here is my code:
'get the service credential that I created
Dim credential = Await GetCredential()
Dim myService As New CloudMachineLearningEngineService(New BaseClientService.Initializer() With {
.ApplicationName = "my Project Name (Is That It???)",
.ApiKey = "my API Key",
.HttpClientInitializer = credential
Dim myBase64 As String = GetBase64("my image path to convert into a base64 String")
Dim myJsonRequest As String = "{""instances"" : [{""key"":""0"", ""image_bytes"": {""b64"": """ + myBase64 + """}}]}"
Dim myRequest = New GoogleCloudMlV1PredictRequest With {
.HttpBody = New GoogleApiHttpBody With {.Data = myJsonRequest,
.ContentType = "application/json"
'If I change the model name I get error
Dim myPredictRequest = myService.Projects.Predict(myRequest, "projects/myProject/models/myModel/versions/v1")
myPredictRequest.AccessToken = credential.Token.AccessToken
myPredictRequest.OauthToken = credential.Token.AccessToken
myPredictRequest.Key = "my API Key
'Execute the request
Dim myResponse = myPredictRequest.Execute()
'at this point, myResponse is Empty (myResponse.ContentType Is Nothing, myResponse.Data Is Nothing And myResponse.ETag Is Nothing)
If I change the model name I get a error informing that my model was not found, so my credentials are right.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Someboby can help with any of this issues?
UPDATE: --------------------------
I changed this Execute Command:
Dim myResponse = myPredictRequest.Execute()
To This One:
Dim s = StreamToString(myPredictRequest.ExecuteAsStream())
and Now I can get the same error with .Net API and google developers interface (Missing instances field...). So If someboby just Know what is wrong with my Json request, It will help a lot.