I'm trying to create a generator that produces (non-zero-length) legal unicode strings, with scalacheck 1.6.6 and specs 1.7 (scala 2.8.1).
I hoped I could just create generators like:
object Generators {
def unicodeChar: Gen[Char] =
choose(Math.MIN_CHAR, Math.MAX_CHAR).map(_.toChar).filter(
c => Character.isDefined(c))
def unicodeStr: Gen[String] = for(cs <- listOf1(unicodeChar)) yield cs.mkString
...then use them from specs like:
import org.specs.Specification
import org.specs.matcher.ScalaCheckMatchers
object CoreSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheckMatchers {
"The core" should {
"pass trivially" in {
Generators.unicodeStr must pass((s: String) => s == s)
But, it seems that using filter in unicodeChar causes a problem:
Specification "CoreSpec"
The core should
x pass trivially
Gave up after only 64 passed tests. 500 tests were discarded.
If I remove the filter from unicodeChar, my test passes, but I run into other problems later, since my strings are not always well-defined unicode.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions on how to achieve this.