Where does Rails store data created by saving activerecord objects during tests?
I thought I knew the answer to that question: obviously in the _test database. But it looks like this is not true!
I used this system to test what's happening to saved ActiveRecord data during rspec tests:
$ rails -d mysql test
$ cd test
$ nano config/database.yml ...
... create mysql databases test_test, test_development, test_production
$ script/generate rspec
$ script/generate rspec_model foo
edit Foo migration:
class CreateFoos$ rake db:migrate
edit spec/models/foo_spec.rb:
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe Foo do before(:each) do @valid_attributes = { :bar => 12345 } end it "should create a new instance given valid attributes" do foo = Foo.new(@valid_attributes) foo.save puts "sleeping..." sleep(20) end end$ rake spec
When you see "sleeping...", change to another open terminal with a mysql session conneted to the test_test database and do:
mysql> select * from foos; Empty set (0.00 sec)
Why doesn't the mysql session show any records in the test_test database while the test is running?