Whenever I use the TFS Windows Shell Extension to check a file in, it pops up a window asking me to provide the description for the changeset. But when I click OK, it gives me another warning dialog that says
Policy Failure Checkin cannot proceed because the policy requirements have not been satisfied.
But the problem is, the only requirement we have is to give a checking description and I've done that. Is there some reason why the shell extension is giving this warning? It doesn't happen when I check in from VS directly.
Google has been unhelpful.
Details: Everything is the 2015 versions of TFS, VS, TFS Power Tools, etc.
EDIT: The only policy requirement we have is that you must provide a changeset description. The changeset description provided is actually saved, so the problem isn't that it's ignoring the changeset description.
At this point, I've given up. Whenever I check in via the Explorer menu, I click the "Override policy failure" checkbox and give it a reason of :-P