I have an URL. It looks like this:
Let me break it down in pieces:
As you can see, it's just a glorified .mp3 restricted to 128 kbps, with some security stuff at the end.
If I load it in Safari on my Mac, it will play. If I pass it to an AVPlayer constructor in my iOS app, it will play as well.
If, however, I use it to create an AVURLAsset, it reports that .isPlayable is false. If I stubbornly persist in further creating an AVPlayerItem based on that asset, it will report AVPlayerItemStatusFailed.
Needless to say, in these conditions my AVURLAsset + AVPlayerItem + AVPLayer infrastructure, which culminates in player.play(), actually plays no music.
However, it does successfully play if I substitute other URLs, like Apple's own https://devimages.apple.com.edgekey.net/streaming/examples/bipbop_4x3/bipbop_4x3_variant.m3u8
(some random .mp3 from another stackoverflow topic) http://podcast.cbc.ca/mp3/podcasts/asithappens_20160907_50906.mp3
The differences that I see: Apple's url is in fact a "playlist" of some sort, while the second one in a plain, "civilised" .mp3. No more security mambo-jumbo at the end of the link.
Why won't my url play? Do I need to do something specific with the security stuff? Right now, I'm just naively "hey, AVURLAsset...here's my (entire) URL...do your stuff with it..."