
How it looks

So I am having a problem. This is what I can create on one of my laptop:

On another, when I created something that has {TC} in it, the whole field code disappeared.

For the example above, if on the other computer, both are running Office 2010,

I can input the code to create the table of content from:

{TOC \f \h \z \f 1\t "Heading 1,1,Heading 2,2,Heading 3,3,Title,1}



The moment I type in TC, the whole {} disappears.

Other field codes work just fine, except for {TC}. So my question is how do I get {TC} to show on my other laptop?

Thank you for your time.


2 Answers


Apparently, I found my answer.

When I searched google for my answer, most sites give this as a solution:

enter image description here

For Word 2010, go to File->Options->Advanced

Under Show document contents: Select "Show field code instead of their values"

This is the equivalent of pressing Alt+F9, which DID NOT solve my problem.

Apparently, the solution to get {TC} to show in your document is in:enter image description here

go to File->Options->Display

and check to always show HIDDEN TEXT.

I hope this helps someone in the future.


Yeah, the disappearing TC code is annoying at first -- seems like it's broken. Other codes work, but why does that disappear, even if entering manually? Word instantly sets TC code to Hidden, even the field code itself.

To temporarily toggle this visible without permanently changing your display to show Hidden Text, you can use the normal Ctrl-Shift-8, which toggles display of spaces, paragraph marks, tabs, and Hidden Text, on and off. This is a good keyboard shortcut to have in your standard back of tricks anyway. It is frequent in Word that you need to toggle paragraph marks on and off, because paragraph formatting is attached to the Paragraph mark, and when they're hidden, it can be tricky to fix various formatting issues.