My use case is to merge two tables where one table contains 30 million records with 200 cols and another table contains 1 million records with 200 cols.I am using broadcast join for small table.I am loading both the tables as data-frames from hive managed tables on HDFS.
I need the values to set for driver memory and executor memory and other parameters along with it for this use case.
I have this hardware configurations for my yarn cluster :
Spark Version 2.0.0
Hdp version
1) yarn clients 20
2) Max. virtual cores allocated for a container (yarn.scheduler.maximum.allocation-vcores) 19
3) Max. Memory allocated for a yarn container 216gb
4) Cluster Memory Available 3.1 TB available
Any other info you need I can provide for this cluster.
I have to decrease the time to complete this process.
I have been using some configurations but I think its wrong, it took me 4.5 mins to complete it but I think spark has capability to decrease this time.