I am trying to mock a method's service i export as a module from my test. This is something i use to do with "sinon", but i would like to use jest as much as possible.
This is a classic test, i have an "authentication" service and a "mailer" service.
The "authentication" service can register new users, and after each new registration, it ask the mailer service to send the new user a "welcome email".
So testing the register method of my authentication service, i would like to assert (and mock) the "send" method of the mailer service.
How to do that? Here is what i tried, but it calls the original mailer.send method:
// authentication.js
const mailer = require('./mailer');
class authentication {
register() { // The method i am trying to test
// ...
const authentication = new Authentication();
module.exports = authentication;
// mailer.js
class Mailer {
send() { // The method i am trying to mock
// ...
const mailer = new Mailer();
module.exports = mailer;
// authentication.test.js
const authentication = require('../../services/authentication');
describe('Service Authentication', () => {
describe('register', () => {
test('should send a welcome email', done => {
co(function* () {
try {
const mailer = require('../../services/mailer');
mailer.send = jest.fn( () => { // I would like this mock to be called in authentication.register()
console.log('SEND MOCK CALLED !');
return Promise.resolve();
yield authentication.register(knownUser);
// expect();
} catch(e) {