
I have a list of tagged sentences. I transformed each of them in the following way:

  • For each word, get the relative one-hot encoding form (a vector of dimension input_dim);
  • Insert a pre-padding as explained in the example below;
  • Split each sentence in len(sentence) sub-sentences, using a window of size time_steps (to get the context for the prediction of the next word).

For example, using time_steps=2, a single sentence ["this", "is", "an", "example"] is transformed in:

    [one_hot_enc("empty_word"), one_hot_enc("empty_word")],
    [one_hot_enc("empty_word"), one_hot_enc("this")],
    [one_hot_enc("this"), one_hot_enc("is")],
    [one_hot_enc("is"), one_hot_enc("an")],

At the end, considering the sub-sentences as an unique list, the shape of the train data X_train is (num_samples, time_steps, input_dim), where:

  • input_dim: the size of my vocabulary;
  • time_steps: the length of sequence to use into LSTM;
  • num_samples: the number of samples (sub-sentences);

Now, I want to use an Embedding layer, in order to map each word to a smaller an continuous dimensional space, and an LSTM, in which I use the contexts build as above.

I tried something like this:

model = Sequential()
model.add(InputLayer(input_shape=(time_steps, input_dim)))
model.add(Embedding(input_dim, embedding_size, input_length=time_steps))

But gives me the following error:

ValueError: Input 0 is incompatible with layer lstm_1: expected ndim=3, found ndim=4

What I missing? There is some logical error in what I'm trying to do?


1 Answers


You can just simply remove the Input layer and let the embedding layer be the first layer of the network. Or you can construct the Input layer by removing the "input_dim" like

model.add(InputLayer(input_shape=(time_steps, )))