I want to run some script when a user unhides rows. The only way, that I can see, to detect when a user unhides rows is within the onChange event. The only way, that I can see, to try and determine what changed is through the changeType property. However, when a user unhides rows, the changeType is equal to OTHER. OTHER can mean all kinds of things. So I'd like to try and determine if rows were unhidden.
What I noticed is that when I unhide rows, those rows are now selected (have focus). So in theory, I should just be able to use getActiveRange() to return the rows that were just unhidden.
The problem is that when I use getActiveRange within the onChange event, it returns nothing. However, if I call getActiveRange after the onChange event function code has completed, then I get the correct information...even though I have not changed what I have currently selected in the sheet.
Why is getRange() returning nothing while within the onChange event?
The following onChange code will show a dialog box with the number of rows that is returned by the getActiveRange method when the user unhides rows. The code will add a menu item called Plan -> Test. Clicking Test will show a dialog box with the number of rows currently selected. To try this out, hide some rows, then unhide them. When you unhide them you will see a dialog box that says 0. Then go to Plan -> Test in the menu and you will see another dialog box that indicates the real number of rows that you just unhid.
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
.addItem('Collapse Section', 'collapseSection')
function testThis() {
var thisSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var thisRange = thisSheet.getActiveRange();
function onChange(e){
var activeSheet = e.source.getActiveSheet();
if (e.changeType == "OTHER") {
// some other event occurred, possible Unhiding Rows
if (activeSheet.getName() == "Portfolio") {
// only execute this code if the OTHER event occurred while on the Portfolio tab
var thisSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var thisRange = thisSheet.getActiveRange();
function popMsg (thisMsg) {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var thisMsg = ui.alert('Information',thisMsg,ui.ButtonSet.OK);