I am trying the similar code to the tutorial, but I get 'QML Rectangle: Binding loop detected for property "width"' on the list view delegate. This happens only on messages where words are larger than listView.width
and text wrapping happens. This happens all time. How can I fix it?
delegeate: Rectangle {
id: delegateFrame
width: Math.min(messageText.implicitWidth , listView.width)
height: messageText.implicitHeight
Label {
id: messageText
anchors.fill: parent
text: model.text
wrapMode: Label.Wrap
I am using Qt 5.8.
Changed as Felix suggested in his answer, however it only changed the "width" word in the warning to "implictWidth".
delegeate: Rectangle {
id: delegateFrame
implicitWidth: Math.min(messageText.implicitWidth , listView.width)
implicitHeight: messageText.implicitHeight
Label {
id: messageText
width: parent.width
text: model.text
wrapMode: Label.Wrap
? – derMListView
's width, yourdelegateFrame.implicitWidth
is bound to thelistView.width
, so it should have nothing to do with themessageText.implicitWidth
. => With the snippet you show, we can't resolve the issue. – derM