EDIT with important note: The package I want to include does not use composer autoload. I'd have to use their hacky one and I want to avoid that.
I know how composer mostly works and I have package that can be a dependency (that's important, I know how to make this work in one project, but that's not what I'm asking).
What I need?
Somebody requires my package
composer require tomas/my-package
It will install
It will autoload my package with PSR-4
It will autoload 3rd party package as well
I have already tried something like this:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"MyPackage\\": "src",
"PHP_CodeSniffer\\": "../../squizlabs/php_codesniffer/src"
I've tried that in one of my dependencies and it doesn't work :(.
Also, I've already talked to the package author and he doesn't want to use composer autoloading. He prefers his own.
Thanks for any help!