
I used Bravado to create a Python client to a REST API for the petstore.

I need to do the same to get a dynamic Ruby client to the REST API.

  • I saw a list of tools in the OS integrations Swagger page but most of them seems to be to automate tests using Swagger or to create a Swagger/openapi API, not to create Client that consume a Swagger API.

  • Svelte, is a "Dynamic Ruby API Client from Swagger JSON Spec" in the above list. It could be a good candidate, and looks similar to the Bravado Python lib I already use, but:

    • it seems that Request parameter validation is only done for URL-based parameters, so it will not provide requests, and the responses validation against the Swagger 2.0 Spec like here.
    • Svelte returns a Faraday::Request not a model instance.
  • Ruby gem OpenAPI is officially a Ruby wrapper, which is what we are looking for, but there is not yet any documentation Cf. the main README: "In Active dev. documentation is coming"
  • Excon (thank you @kevin-burnett to point at it) does not provide an automated wrapper to the API describe by Swagger, it's an HTTP client, corresponding to Python's Requests, so a lib to manually consume the API.

Here is code in Python that is the kind of feature we are looking for in Ruby:

To get simple dict answer (without using models):

from bravado.client import SwaggerClient
from bravado.fido_client import FidoClient

client = SwaggerClient.from_url(
    config={'use_models': False}

result = client.pet.getPetById(petId=42).result(timeout=4)


>>> result
{'category': {'id': 42, 'name': 'string'},
 'id': 42,
 'name': 'doggie',
 'photoUrls': ['string', 'string2'],
 'status': 'available',
 'tags': [{'id': 42, 'name': 'string'}]}

And even better, by default using the model:

> from bravado.client import SwaggerClient

> client = SwaggerClient.from_url("http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json")
> pet = client.pet.getPetById(petId=42).result()
> print(pet)
Pet(category=Category(id=42, name='string'), id=42,
    name='doggie', photoUrls=['string', 'string2'],
    tags=[Tag(id=42, name='string')])
Please read "How to Ask" including the linked pages, "minimal reproducible example" and "How much research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users?". We'd like to see evidence of your effort. What did you try? Did you search and not find anything? Did you find stuff but it didn't help? Did you try writing code? If not, why? If so, what is the smallest code example that shows what you tried and why didn't it work? Without that it looks like you didn't try and want us to write it for you.the Tin Man
Sorry I just updated my question to expose the context and investigationsuser3313834
I'd like to help, but I don't think you've included enough about what you want to be able to do. Showing us what you've done in Python isn't sufficient.Mark Thomas
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the problem. I get that you're not trying to create a simple API client for the PetStore, you're trying to do something more dynamic. For those of us not familiar with the Swagger API, can you tell us what swagger.json represents? And specifically what you want to do with it?Mark Thomas
Sorry, but that's not specific at all. That's a general description of your end state. I'm in agreement with @theTinMan that this is like a "write it for me" type "question."Mark Thomas

2 Answers


You can use ruby-swagger to convert swagger.json to API client

You can look at this command:

 rake swagger:generate_client:ruby

Also you can look at swagger-codegen


There are lots of others, but excon is pretty sweet.

Include it in your Gemfile:

gem 'excon'

Then, to to do a GET request, for example:

require 'json'
require 'excon'
excon_result = Excon.get('http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet/findByStatus?status=pending')
response_body_as_string = excon_result.body
pets = JSON.parse(response_body_as_string)
pets.first['name'] # "hello kity with form updated" (sic)

Excon has lots of neat features such as the expects option that allows you to specify a list of http status codes that you expect. If the response is outside of the expectation, it will raise automatically.