Use System.Net.Mail to send the messages; however you should use .NET 4 to avoid any connection issues, as there was a bug filed on the Connect website that will cause your messages to not get sent.
Don't use threading for three reasons:
Reason 1: A MTA is made to handle message retries and can handle failures. Your code may not be robust enough to handle this. System.Net.Mail is not able to do this out of the box.
Reason 2: If you do use threading, you will overwhelm the target SMTP server and it will block you. Most Windows SMTP relays have a default block of more than 15 (or 25?) concurrent connections.
If you're dealing with Exchange 2010, or 2007, then there is a throttling feature that gets activated if you send more than x messages per minute. This is a per MTA setting that will need to be adjusted to permit your situation.
Reason 3: The preferred way to do this is to have a dedicated IIS SMTP server (or Exchange...) that allows concurrent connections at high volume. Just use Sys.Net.Mail to hand the delivery task to the mail infrastructure. Not much is needed for a mail infrastructure. Just have a MTA that allows you to relay and it will "smart host" on your behalf out to the internet.
More questions on how to set up the MTA can be answered @ serverfault.
You may want to use threading if your sending an email from an ASP.NET webpage... or will otherwise block the UI. Other than that, I don't see a need to run concurrent threads for the email generation task.
Lastly, if you're sending the same message to many recipients, you can either use a distribution list or append many target recipients to the same message.