
We had some misunderstanding and disputes of Bluemix Cloud price for different services before. Here, we wish to confirm the price of Watson Tone Analyzer Service on this page: https://www.ibm.com/watson/developercloud/tone-analyzer.html#pricing-block

Based on our understanding of the above page, the first thousand API calls to the Tone Analyzer Service used in our each app per month are FREE. Can we see some records of this API calls to Tone Analyzer Service inside our account on Bluemix cloud?

Wish Bluemix staff to confirm this soon. Thanks

Open a support ticket on bluemix.Simon O'Doherty
Your Bluemix encourages us to post Q here. Thus, all people can learn about this.eGlobeBiz
That's for technical questions. For billing and service issues you can contact support directly.Simon O'Doherty

1 Answers


As you can see on the webpage.

First thousand API calls per month are FREE

  • Additional 1 - 250,000 calls are $0.0088 per call
  • 250,001 - 5,000,000 calls are $0.0013 per call
  • 5,000,000+ calls are $0.0008 per call

It doesn't matter if you have one or multiple apps. The only thing that matters is how many times you call the Tone Analyzer service.

For example, three applications doing 600 calls will be the same as one doing 1800 calls. In this case, you will pay:

1800(total calls) - 1000(free) = 800 
800(remaining) * 0.0088 = $7.04