I am new to Shiny and R in general so I'm sure this is a very simple problem but I have spent a verrry long time trying to figure it out and have gotten nowhere so any help would be greatly appreciated! What I have right now is based largely off of this post Leaflet R shiny: select & zoom
I am trying to create an app that will let the user define which country they want to view and then the app will zoom to that country. Each country is defined by the lat, lng of the centroid, a zoom level and the name. The code I have is as such:
var.zoom <- setNames(as.numeric(country_centroid$COUNTRY),country_centroid$COUNTRY)
shinyUI(navbarPage("SnailViz", theme = shinytheme("united"),
fluidRow(column(width =3,id = "visualization", fixed = TRUE,
h1("Visualization", align = "center"),
wellPanel(fluidRow(selectInput("countryZoom", label = h3("Zoom to"),
choices = var.zoom)))),
column( 9, id = "mapp", fixed =TRUE,
leafletOutput("map", width = "100%", height= 850))
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet() %>%
addPolygons( data = climateZones, fillOpacity = 0.5, fillColor = ~pal_grid(climateZones$Climate), stroke = FALSE) %>%
addLegend(pal = pal_grid, values = climateZones$Climate, title = "Climate Zones") %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron",group="CartoDB.Positron",options = providerTileOptions(opacity = 1)) %>%
setView(lat=1.701620, lng = 17.27356, zoom = 4)
Zooming <-reactive({
subset(country_centroid, COUNTRY == input$countryZoom)})
leafletProxy("map") %>%
setView(lng=Zooming()$X,lat=Zooming()$Y,zoom = Zooming()$Level)
17.27 1.70 4 Africa
-1.74 12.28 8 Burkina Faso
29.88 -3.37 8 Burundi
12.74 5.69 8 Cameroon
23.65 -2.87 8 Congo DRC
29.51 26.3 8 Egypt
39.63 8.62 8 Ethiopia
-1.20 7.97 8 Ghana
-5.55 7.63 8 Ivory Coast
37.81 0.60 8 Kenya
34.30 -13.21 8 Malawi
-3.52 17.36 8 Mali
-8.89 29.11 8 Morocco
8.11 9.62 8 Nigeria
-14.45 14.36 8 Senegal
-11.78 8.56 8 Sierra Leone
30.01 16.05 8 Sudan
34.80 -6.26 8 Tanzania
9.57 34.11 8 Tunisia
32.38 1.27 8 Uganda
27.79 -13.45 8 Zambia
29.87 -19.00 8 Zimbabwe
Basically everything appears as I would expect it to, but when I change the input using the dropdown, the map does not respond. My understanding of this is very basic, but I assume I have some problem with the observe(), but I have tried many things from other posts and am basically at a loss at this point. Thank you in advance!!
– Tonio LiebrandclimateZones
– HubertL