I have Paradox 5.x tables i need to connect to in order to select and update. I am using OLEDBConnection.
selecting from the tables i have no problem. while trying to insert into the tables i met a problem when i entered hardcoded the fields namesi got an error: The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field name: ... so i used OleDbDataReader.GetName(...) to get fields names. now i use the fields names recived from table in order to insert into table and i still get the same error.
I think the problem is with the field name: 'Truck #1 Serial Number' Table name: 'Vehicles'
I tried using [], ."", .[] and .[""].
I have read about the need of Borland engine but im not sure this is the issue. Thanks upfront.
p.s I cannot change name of tables since its a castumer DB i need to connect.
Im adding the C# code i use:
private static string createInsertQueryVehicle(string i_VehicleNumber, string i_VehicleMFG, string i_Truck1SerialNo, string i_Truck2SerialNo, string i_Truck3SerialNo)
string tryout = string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} ([{6}], [{7}], [{8}], [{9}], [{10}]) VALUES(RIGHT('{1}',10),'{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}')",
TableName, Vnum, Vinfo, T1Serial, T2Serial, T3Serial, VnumFieldName, VinfoFieldName, T1SerialFieldName
return tryout;
at end tryout holds:
INSERT INTO Vehicles ([Vehicle Number], [Vehicle Mfg], [Truck #1 Serial Number], [Truck #2 Serial Number], [Truck #3 Serial Number]) VALUES(RIGHT('000000010001525',10),'קרונות משא','ר40011_1','ר40011_2','')
EDIT: Just wanted to add my solution at end: At the end the best solution i could get was to use accesses as the connection point using linked tablse to the paradox tables, at end handling it as an acceses DB..... Hope it helps someone.