I'm using SAP RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT. It has function imports which require DateTime as input parameter
<FunctionImport Name="CheckFlightAvailability" ReturnType="RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT.FlightAvailability" m:HttpMethod="GET" sap:label="Check availability of flight" sap:action-for="RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT.Flight">
<Parameter Name="airlineid" Type="Edm.String" Mode="In" MaxLength="3"/>
<Parameter Name="connectionid" Type="Edm.String" Mode="In" MaxLength="4"/>
<Parameter Name="flightdate" Type="Edm.DateTime" Mode="In" Precision="0"/>
When I try to call this function using the following URL it doesn't return any results. In Postman, I get BadRequest 400 code.
This is happening only for FunctionImports with DateTime input. Please suggest what is the right way to pass the datetime input.