
I just started using kendo-ui grid and have created my columns and everything works with data coming back. I tried adding in a template value to my column definitions and the kendo docs say that I should be able to use {{dataItem.something}} to access the value in a template. This does NOT work. However doing <span ng-bind='dataItem.something'></span> works fine. Why is this, and how can I get the curly braces binding working? Thanks.

Here is a snippet of pseudo code for what I'm doing:

in my html and controller ( I am omitting all the other options like datasources etc..):

this.gridOptions = {
       columns: [ 
          field: 'valueOne',
          template: "<span ng-bind='dataItem.valueOne'></span>" // THIS WORKS
          field: 'valueTwo',
          template: "{{dataItem.valueTwo}}" // THIS DOES NOT WORKS
<div ng-controller="gridController as vm">   
    <div kendo-grid k-options="vm.gridOptions"></div>

What I'm attempting is right from the kendo documentation and demos:


2 Answers


TL;DR; By removing kendo-angular.js the binding is working as expected. kendo-angular.js library was still being included in our build and was conflicting with kendo.all.js

More: The kendo-angular.js library was deprecated and support was moved to kendo professional. The angular functionality was moved into kendo.all.js. The docs are very specific about including libraries in a specific order. The include order must be JQuery, Angular, then Kendo. I checked this and made sure to try the latest versions of all scripts, also tried using the specific versions used in the demos. However after digging a bit further into our scripts it turns out that our build scripts were still including kendo-angular.js farther down the list. Removing this fixed my issue.


You cannot use angular templates after app was initialized, when you inserting new HTML angular will ignore it.

Kendo have own templating tags for it:

There are three ways to use the hash syntax:

  • Render values as HTML: #= #.
  • Use HTML encoding to display values: #: #.
  • Execute arbitrary JavaScript code: # if (true) { # ... non-script content here ... # } #.

Also you can use functions as templates:

    function (e) {
                if (e.type !== 1)
                    return "";
                return '<input type="checkbox"' + (e.canExecute ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + 'disabled="disabled" />';

You also can check out docs for more info