
I used to develop the application with GAE Standard using Golang and now I moved to the new GAE Flex with Golang. I have some confused issues and problem mainly in development environment as follows:

  1. Running the application in local server GAE Standard (Using go_appengine APIs)

~/go_appengine/goapp serve .

GAE Flex (based on the official document, using Golang standard runtime)

go run *.go

In case of GAE standard, everything is build and run under proprietary APIs which works fine. Anyway, in GAE Flex, I struck on the runtime problem where I need to stop server and start go run *.go everytime I changed the code.

How to run Golang server locally without manually restart server everytime when the code has changed?

  1. Setting up static_dir in app.yaml GAE Standard (Using go_appengine APIs)

handlers: - url: /static static_dir: houston/_template/_static

It works fine.

GAE Flex

handlers: - url: /static static_dir: houston/_template/_static

It does not work (regarding no APIs like GAE Standard)

How Golang serves static_files and static_dir for GAE Flex?

You should ask these questions as 2 separate posts, eventually referencing each-other for context - keeps things clearer.Dan Cornilescu

1 Answers


I have found some of solution. With Gulp you can solve this tasks. Indeed, when a go file is modified, a task compile the application in the 'bin' folder then another launch the executable.
