
Is it possible call functin in domain Many2one field?

For example:

time = fields.Many2one('my.time', #call function here)

The time field is populated from database table my_time. In table I have several row:

id name

1  10:00

2  11:00

3  12:00

4. 13:00

In other table my_booked_time, I insert id (1) from time field, now I need filter Many2one "Select all available time (11:00,12:00,13:00)" not 10:00, where user_id = self.user_id and partner_id = self.partner_id

Any simple solution?

Why you don't add a Boolean field in my_time table to define if the time is blocked or notkhelili miliana

1 Answers


define domain on many2one let say that the my_booked_time has m2o to table my_time named time_id:

m2o_field = fields.Many2one(...., 
   domain=lambda self: [("id", "not in", self.env['my.booked.time'].search([]).mapped("time_id").ids)])