I have followed the documents on sites:
II. and I have the understanding of differences between Microsoft and Office 365 based accounts:
III. Now when I login using my non-office (personal Microsoft) account that is, for example, a hotmail.com account. I can use it to login at: login.live.com and outlook.live.com.
I can access and update Tasks and Calendar Events.
IV. The authority URL that is set on Microsoft Graph is https://login.microsoftonline.com/common
And I know that to login at this site I need Office 365 account, that is subscribed to use MS Office on a monthly or yearly basis. But anyways I see that I can sign in using my Hotmail account in Microsoft Graph API.
V. From the Microsoft Graph, though I can sign into my Hotmail account, but it doesn't return authentication code. Instead, there is a response that I get:
{"type":0,"errorDescription":"Network error","code":3}
My question is that is there a right way of accessing Tasks, Calendar from outlook.live.com using Microsoft Graph or any? Because while I had a one-month free subscription, I could access events and tasks from outlook.office.com using my Microsoft account using the same Graph. I get access token well.
I had to just change my permissions and URLS to be able to access.