I'm having an issue with my QML program. In the top-level main.qml file, I have some keyboard Shortcuts like so:
Shortcut {
sequence: "Up"
onActivated: {
// yadda yadda
In another file, I have several Keys.onPressed calls like this:
Keys.onPressed: {
if (event.key == Qt.Key_Up) {
// yadda yadda
Apparently, the Shortcuts are interfering with the OnPressed calls. When I comment out the Shortcuts, the OnPressed's work fine. But when they're both active, it seems the Shortcut intercepts the keyboard press and prevents the OnPressed from activating.
I know that with mouse events, Qt has the "accepted" variable. If you want an event to continue propagating down the stack, you can just set "accepted = false" in the OnActivated function in order to accomplish this. However, I am not seeing any equivalent "accepted" variable in the Shortcuts API. Is there some other way I can ensure that the event is propagated correctly?