
I want custom group plugin by Social engine So in application/modules/Group/settings/content.php I added :

      'title' => 'Overall Statistic',
      'description' => 'Displays overall statistic of groups on group home page.',
      'category' => 'Groups',
      'type' => 'widget',
      'name' => 'group.overall-statistic',
      'defaultParams' => array(
          'title' => 'Overall Statistic',

In widget folder in group plugin I added two files : Controller.php and Index.php (it looks like this : application/modules/Group/widgets/overall-statistic)

controller.php :


class Group_Widget_OverallStatisticController extends Engine_Content_Widget_Abstract
  public function indexAction()
    $groupTable = Engine_Api::_()->getItemTable('group');

    $select = new Zend_Db_Select($groupTable->getAdapter());
    $select -> from($groupTable->info('name'), 'COUNT(*) AS count')
            -> where('group_id > 0');
    $this->view->count_groups =  $select->query()->fetchColumn(0);

    $albumTable = Engine_Api::_()->getItemTable('advgroup_album');
    $select = new Zend_Db_Select($albumTable->getAdapter());
    $select->from($albumTable->info('name'), 'COUNT(*) AS count')
            -> where('album_id > 0');;
    $this->view->count_albums =  $select->query()->fetchColumn(0);

    $photoTable = Engine_Api::_()->getItemTable('advgroup_photo');
    $select = new Zend_Db_Select($photoTable->getAdapter());
    $select->from($photoTable->info('name'), 'COUNT(*) AS count')
            -> where('photo_id > 0');;
    $this->view->count_photos =  $select->query()->fetchColumn(0);

    $topicTable = Engine_Api::_()->getItemTable('advgroup_topic');
    $select = new Zend_Db_Select($topicTable->getAdapter());
    $select->from($topicTable->info('name'), 'COUNT(*) AS count')
           ->where('topic_id > 0');;
    $this->view->count_topics =  $select->query()->fetchColumn(0);

index.php :

<ul class = "global_form_box" style="margin-bottom: 15px; padding : 0px 15px 15px 15px;">
      <div class="statistic_info"> <?php echo $this->translate('Total Groups');?></div>
      <div class="statistic_count">  <?php echo $this->count_groups?> </div>
      <div class="statistic_info"> <?php echo $this->translate('Total Albums');?></div>
      <div class="statistic_count">  <?php echo $this->count_albums?> </div>
      <div class="statistic_info"> <?php echo $this->translate('Total Photos');?></div>
      <div class="statistic_count">  <?php echo $this->count_photos?> </div>
      <div class="statistic_info"> <?php echo $this->translate('Total Topics'); ?></div>
      <div class="statistic_count">  <?php echo $this->count_topics?> </div>

In panel admin I added the widget when I want show it but index.php doesn't appear in my website ..

Controller.php work well because when I add (in controller.php)

var_dump($groupTable); die; 

I can see it in my website

How is it possible? Is what I forgot to edit a file? Thank you


1 Answers


You need to create index.tpl instead of index.php

Better to create this widget out of core plugin to avoid future upgrades.