This Below C++ Function Rotates a Point Around A Provided Center and Uses Another Vector(Unit) as Axis to rotate Around.
This Code Below Was Made Thanks to Glenn Murray who provided the Formula Provided in Link. This is Tested and is Working Perfectly As intended.
Note: When Angle Is Positive And Unit Vector is {0,0,1} It Rotates To the Right Side, Basically Rotation Is On the Right Side, Axes are {x-forward,y-right,z-up}
void RotateVectorAroundPointAndAxis(Vector3D YourPoint, Vector3D PreferedCenter, Vector3D UnitDirection, float Angle, Vector3D& ReturnVector)
float SinVal = sin(Angle * 0.01745329251);
float CosVal = cos(Angle * 0.01745329251);
float OneMinSin = 1.0f - SinVal;
float OneMinCos = 1.0f - CosVal;
UnitDirection = GetUnitVector(UnitDirection, { 0,0,0 });// This Function Gets unit Vector From InputVector - DesiredCenter
float Temp = (UnitDirection.x * YourPoint.x) + (UnitDirection.y * YourPoint.y) + (UnitDirection.z * YourPoint.z);
ReturnVector.x = (PreferedCenter.x * (UnitDirection.y * UnitDirection.y)) - (UnitDirection.x * (((-PreferedCenter.y * UnitDirection.y) + (-PreferedCenter.z * UnitDirection.z)) - Temp));
ReturnVector.y = (PreferedCenter.y * (UnitDirection.x * UnitDirection.x)) - (UnitDirection.y * (((-PreferedCenter.x * UnitDirection.x) + (-PreferedCenter.z * UnitDirection.z)) - Temp));
ReturnVector.z = (PreferedCenter.z * (UnitDirection.x * UnitDirection.x)) - (UnitDirection.z * (((-PreferedCenter.x * UnitDirection.x) + (-PreferedCenter.y * UnitDirection.y)) - Temp));
ReturnVector.x = (ReturnVector.x * OneMinCos) + (YourPoint.x * CosVal);
ReturnVector.y = (ReturnVector.y * OneMinCos) + (YourPoint.y * CosVal);
ReturnVector.z = (ReturnVector.z * OneMinCos) + (YourPoint.z * CosVal);
ReturnVector.x += (-(PreferedCenter.z * UnitDirection.y) + (PreferedCenter.y * UnitDirection.z) - (UnitDirection.z * YourPoint.y) + (UnitDirection.y * YourPoint.z)) * SinVal;
ReturnVector.y += ( (PreferedCenter.z * UnitDirection.x) - (PreferedCenter.x * UnitDirection.z) + (UnitDirection.z * YourPoint.x) - (UnitDirection.x * YourPoint.z)) * SinVal;
ReturnVector.z += (-(PreferedCenter.y * UnitDirection.x) + (PreferedCenter.x * UnitDirection.y) - (UnitDirection.y * YourPoint.x) + (UnitDirection.x * YourPoint.y)) * SinVal;