I have a simple kafka setup. A producer is producing messages to a single partition with a single topic at a high rate. A single consumer is consuming messages from this partition. During this process, the consumer may pause processing messages several times. The pause can last a couple of minutes. After the producer stops producing messages, all messages queued up will be processed by the consumer. It appears that messages produced by the producer are not being seen immediately by the consumer. I am using kafka What can be happening here? Here is the section of code that consumes the message:
while (true)
ConsumerRecords<String, byte[]> records = consumer.poll(100);
for (final ConsumerRecord<String, byte[]> record : records)
serviceThread.submit(() ->
} catch (org.apache.kafka.common.errors.WakeupException e)
where consumer is a KafkaConsumer with auto commit disabled, max poll record of 100, and session timeout of 30000. serviceThread is an ExecutorService.
The producer just involves the KafkaProducer.send call to send a ProducerRecord.
All configurations on the broker are left as kafka defaults.
I am also using kafka-consumer-groups.sh to check what is happening when consumer is not consuming the message. But when this happens, the kafka-consumer-groups.sh will be hanging there also, not able to get information back. Sometimes it triggers the consumer re-balance. But not always.
Client only sees committed messages.
guaranteed by Kafka. – amethystic